The coronavirus has infected millions of people and killed thousands; however, after analyzing the data, doctors are more concerned about elderly and infant people. A Newyork hospital report shows that older adults diagnosed with coronavirus and put on ventilators are hardly surviving. Doctors who made the report said they were quite shocked after seeing so many older adults dying because of coronavirus. Researchers analyzed 257 patients who were admitted into the hospital from March 2 to April 1; out of them, two-third were male patients, and the median age of the patient was 62. Out of these patients who were aged above 80 and put on ventilators couldn’t survive.
The mortality rate in older people is quite high compared to those who are fit and healthy. The majority of these patients surveyed were hospitalized in Allen and Milstein hospital. Doctors said they didn’t see any critical patients aged below thirty. People who are having a high mortality rate are less prone to coronavirus. Young people who got infected with coronavirus didn’t see that much worse condition as compared to those elderly people who had to put on ventilators. Doctors said this study shows people who have elderly people in their family should discuss the effects of the novel coronavirus.
The mortality rate in them varies from 50-97 percent. Survey of people who put on ventilators shows nearly 3% of the patients could survive, and the death rate was around 24.5%. Things are getting harder every day for older adults since they have a more significant threat of dying from coronavirus because of the low immunity system. Some are saying to measure the patients’ condition before putting them on ventilators. Family members of elderly adults can predict what their next decision should be considering the situation.