Elon Musk revealed during Tesla’s AI Day on Thursday, 19 February 2021, that the organization is working on developing a commercially available humanoid robot and would have a prototype model by next year. It will be designed to help deal with a job that is tedious, repetitive, and potentially harmful. It is unclear if or not this robot will be available for sale, or how much it will cost. A screen will be placed where a human face is to convey helpful info. This robot, according to Musk, will have a substantial economic impact. Physical labor will be optional in the future, he claimed, and a basic universal income will be required.
Musk is one of the most influential Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and has warned that automation may replace countless individuals’ employment, necessitating the creation of a new stream of money for certain individuals. Humanoid robots have long piqued people’s interest in popular culture. However, building a humanoid robot capable of doing human jobs has proven to be extremely challenging. Machine learning has progressed quickly, yet it still stutters to even compete with a toddler’s overall abilities. Robotics implementations have traditionally been limited to activities such as moving products at a plant or cleaning a house on its own.
Musk’s groundbreaking efforts at Tesla & SpaceX have thrown the automotive and aerospace sectors into disarray. However, he has a track record of chronic lateness and overpromising, Musk has not had much luck with his previous claims. Tesla’s automated driving system is being investigated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as well as 2 US Senators who have urged the Federal Trade Commission to look into whether Tesla’s advertising of the technology is fraudulent. The humanoid, according to Musk, is an offshoot of Tesla’s efforts towards autonomous vehicles. The robots will utilize the exact processing chip as Tesla’s automobiles and will operate using 8 sensors. The humanoid will be 5’8” tall, weighing 125 pounds. According to Musk, it will be able to carry up to 45 pounds and travel at a speed of 5 miles per hour. Elon stated that Tesla will give the robot 5 fingers, to begin with, however, that this could vary.
Tesla intended to prove it is more than just an electric vehicle manufacturer, Musk stated at Tesla’s AI Day. Numerous staff members also gave presentations concerning Tesla’s artificial intelligence capability, which is crucial for the development of self-driving vehicles and humanoid robots. Elon also teased that the robots would be human-friendly. Robots have a wide variety of applications in the global industrial sector, all information regarding the same is abundantly available on various research forums. However, the demand for a humanoid robot in the global markets is still uncertain.