Popular photo-sharing app Instagram has launched news tools to address rising hate on the platform. The company said that new safety features will protect users from offensive comments and abuse. Users can now limit who can see the comments. They can hike offensive words. Besides, they can also limit DM requests. Instagram said that there will be stern warnings if someone tries to post offensive comments. The Facebook-owned application said that it wants to make the platform a place for healthier discussion. Instagram added that it is the company’s responsibility to ensure that users feel safe when they post a photo or video.
Instagram and other social media platforms have been struggling to address the rising hate speech and bullying. Instagram underlined that it takes action whenever it finds such content. The new set of tools will protect users from having ugly experiences. Instagram has already taken measures to address such abuses. It gets feedback from users, experts, and the community and takes action accordingly. The company said that it is working on features to grant more control to users to fight abuse and safeguard their interests. The Limits feature is mainly aimed at hiding offensive content. When turned on, it will automatically hide such comments. This will filter unnecessary comments and engagements on a post.
Instagram said that it brought the new tools after creators and public figures complaint of a spike in offensive comments and DM requests. The Limits feature is available for Instagram users worldwide. It said that if a user posts offensive comments several times, it will remind the person about the Community Guidelines. It will remove or hide the comment. Instagram started developing anti-harassment tools after racist abuse involving UK footballers in DMs. Although Instagram has no algorithm that can access direct messages, the company is making efforts to check the spread of such content. Instagram said that it is necessary to raise awareness against hate speech that is prevalent across the world.