We all know the world’s two largest nations are fighting with each other because of trade tensions between them. Now to make things worse, both of thee countries are trying to accuse each other with some serious allegations. Because of this trade war, Trump administration accused Chinese company Huawei of spying on people, which is negatively impacting on its sale. Chinese officials recently said that such type of allegations is not supposed to be done by the USA because it’s indirectly misleading people of the world.
The united states is trying to dominate China by levying massive amount of taxes on Chinese goods and services. US demand from China to stop intellectual property theft, which is hurting US economy and even if that’s true, China doesn’t agree with it. There are many domestic companies in China which are operating in there, but since their majority of the business depends upon US customers, they are now on the verge of bankruptcy. The Chinese government has said trade terms which Trump administration is putting is not moral because it ultimately blocks their right to do business.
The Chinese government has been trying its best to protect public enterprise companies like Huawei, but since tariff rates have increased by the trump administration, they are becoming less profitable. Chinese officials think such type of actions which is taken by US is sending a wrong message to the entire world about China. Trump has made sure that no other country would sign a trade deal with Huawei, which is creating many significant problems for it. Both countries officials have met for more than two times, but none of them have agreed to sign a fair trade deal. Trump administration is stubborn on getting a fair trade deal agreement, and China, on the other hand, is not ready to agree to those terms and conditions.