We all have started thinking about our general health more than ever since the COVID19 pandemic has hit the world. We all know that underlying conditions such as hypertension and diabetes are linked with a greater risk of COVID19. Recently, experts have come up with an interesting fact, which can help us to keep a track of our health and avoid serious complications. They have said that avocados can be very beneficial for diabetics and prediabetics. Prediabetic people usually have higher blood sugar levels than normal but it is not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. Experts have said that avocados are full of vitamins, nutrients, and healthy fatty acids. These nutrients help reduce cholesterol. This magic fruit prevents cancer as well, said the experts.
Food Science Professor Dr. Paul Spanguolo has said that avocados are essential for regulating blood sugar levels. He has said that Avocatin B is a bioactive ingredient, which is found in a certain kind of avocadoes. This ingredient can be a healthy dietary choice for diabetic and prediabetic people. This bioactive ingredient helps to maintain metabolism, blood sugar, insulin levels, and weight in adults. These health factors are important for everyone; however, it is especially crucial for people who are dealing with diabetes or on the verge of being diagnosed with the disease. Dr. Paul has said that if metabolism is functioning well, everything else like blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure is in control. Once metabolism goes out of control, the body starts burning either fat or glucose, a higher amount of either of these can cause build up in the blood. Imbalanced blood sugar can adversely affect overall health. In the case of diabetes, it can lead to even more serious complications such as heart attack or a stroke.
The author of the report has said that avocadoes can rebalance blood sugar levels. He has said that people can incorporate avocadoes in their daily diet along with plenty of fruits and protein-rich nuts and grains. Avocados make people feel fuller for a long time. Dr. Paul has claimed that along with regular exercise, less sugar intake, avocados can make a significant difference in regulating healthy blood sugar levels. The UC Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that there are 30 million people who are suffering from diabetes in the US. Another 88 million people are living with higher levels of blood sugar than normal and they are on the verge of being diagnosed with diabetes.