A new study has reestablished the relevance of saying healthy mind healthy body. Health experts from the American Heart Association have said that positive mental health and staying hopeful about life can reduce the risk of heart disease among people. They have said that people’s heart, mind, and body are interlinked and mutually dependent in the mind-heart-body-connection. The study has shown the adverse effects of negative psychological factors, personality traits, and mental health on heart health. While positive thoughts and better mental health are linked to a lower risk of heart issues and associated death. Experts have said that staying optimistic can increase lifespan whereas negative mental health can be equally bad for people’s health. Mental issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and anger can increase the risk of developing heart ailments such as heart attack and stroke. The study has been sponsored by the American Heart Association. Experts have said that people who are dealing with mental issues are at a higher risk of increased heart rate, rhythm abnormalities, digestive issues, hypertension, chronic inflammation, and less blood flow in the heart.
Experts who have been involved in the study, have found that patients who have been dealing with negative mental health tend to be smokers, physically inactive, overweight, and forget to take their medicines. The authors of the research have said that regular mental health screening should be a part of the standard check-up for heart issues. As per the study, psychological therapy can help improve cardiovascular health in people. Along with unhealthy habits and negative mental health, daily stress and traumatic incidents can result in heart disease or stroke. The study has noted that people who have self-reported that they are dealing with work-related stress and tension, in general, are at a 40 percent higher risk of death due to heart diseases. Most studies of mental health are observational where patients self-report their details. It leads to a great deal of ambiguity to show specific cause and effect link. However, these studies aid people to make reasonable decisions about the connection between mental health and the risk of heart diseases. However, the data of the study is reliable, which shows that positivity and better mental health can play a crucial role in improved heart health.
Scientists have said that people with positive mental health have normal blood pressure, better glucose control, low inflammation, and low levels of cholesterol. Such people are physically active and more likely to quit smoking and eat a healthy diet. Experts have said that positive mental health is not just about having positive and happy thoughts rather people with improved mental health usually have more positive social relationships and a larger support network. They have noted that wellness cannot be defined by the absence of the disease, it is a process aimed towards a healthier, happier, and gratifying life. Researchers have concluded the study by saying that we must try to reduce the traits of negative mental health to encourage a healthy and happy state of being. The findings of the study have been released in the journal called Circulation.