When investors thought that Canopy Growth (CGC) could not report any poorer numbers, the company was once again disappointed and shocked the entire market. In terms of numbers, the underlying trend is better than the headline news, but the leading cannabis LP still has a extended way to go previously business support is still valued at $5.3 billion.
The firm officially informed revenue for the second quarter of $76.7 million. These revenues were affected by restructuring costs of $32.8 million from taxes and pricing allowances for soft gels and oil records and $15.8 million in inventory costs. These combined expenses reduced gross profit by $40.4 million. Excluding these costs, revenue will increase by 6% from the previous quarter to $118.3 million. The increase in revenue was entirely attributable to the increase in international medical income brought about by the acquisition of ThisWorks and C3. As some opponents have reported, the Canadian market was a calamity this quarter due to expected inventory flooding. Canada’s B2B entertainment revenue fell 15.6% from the previous quarter. After deducting fees and excise taxes, Canadian cannabis total revenue fell 7.2% to $76.6 million.
In the September quarter, canopy growth was finalized in the second quarter and the harvest exceeded 42,000 kg. The problem here is that the kg sold is only 10,985 kg. The company’s product sales increased by 3.5% throughout the quarter, and the formation of the business has at least doubled the sales level of the product. Technically, the gross profit margin for the quarter fell to minus 13%. If no adjustments are made, the gross profit margin for the quarter is 38%. The modification also includes a cost of $10.5 million for underutilized services. The crown grows like a driver’s flashing turn signal along a highway. Those followers who follow are wondering if this turn will come. Harbour analyst Brett Hundley will not change his face soon. However, the analyst believes that investors should not exclude this beleaguered pottery giant from the game.