A new study has revealed that sperm count in men from North America, Europe, and Australia has reduced by 60 percent from 1973 to 2011. Around the globe, men have been suffering from infertility crisis over the past four decades. The study says that an improved diet might be able to reverse this trend. Researchers have tried to establish a link between food choices and testicular function in the new study. The semen samples of around 3000 Danish men within the average age of 19 years have been taken and observed thoroughly. The participants have been asked about 136 food items they have been eating during the last 90 days. After the follow-up, experts have found out those men who have been eating western diet have the lowest sperm count between 109 to 138 million. At the same time, men who have been consuming a ‘prudent’ diet have the highest sperm count.
A ‘prudent’ diet is considered as a healthy diet that consists of a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, and water. While a western diet includes red meat, fried food, sugar-sweetened drinks, pizzas, and dessert. The author of the study, Feiby Nassan has said that the median sperm count of men who adhere to a prudent diet has been 68 million higher than men who adhere to the western diet. Men who have been following a vegetarian diet, which has a high intake of vegetables, milk, and eggs have shown better sperm count as compared to men who follow a western diet. The author of the study has asserted that dietary factors play an important role in the production of healthy sperms with high fertility potential. The findings of the study show that whole grain, omega-3 fatty acid, seafood, fruits, and vegetables are required for strong sperm production.
Feiby Nassan has said that changing diet patterns will be beneficial to ensure higher sperm count in men. Experts have indicated that men who ejaculate less than 39 million sperm per release have low sperm count. They have claimed that alcohol consumption, obesity, food chemicals, water radiation, and air pollution also affect the sperm count. This research has been published in the Journal of American Medicine Urology.