China’s Earthquake Networks Center has found that an alleged bolide has crashed near the border of Nangqian county and Yusu county; however, no one has been injured in the crash. Bolide is an extremely bright meteor, which crashes into the atmosphere. This suspected low flying meteor has brightened up the sky across northwestern Yushu city of China in the Qinghai province. This episode has left residents of the area stunned and surprised. This exceptional natural phenomenon has been recorded on camera, which shows bright fireball flashing and lighting the dark night. The video of this incident has been uploaded on social media platforms as well. In some videos, a bright fireball is passing through a region and some videos show the burning space object falling rapidly towards the hills and fields. Scientists have said that there has been no causality due to the meteor crash across the region.
After this unusual natural event, the officials from the Nangqian County have said that an unidentified and bright flying object has been spotted in the area, which has flown towards the direction of West lake Qamdo. The officials have found no debris or wreckage in the Nangqian County region. As per Chinese history, meteorites from the sky are commonly considered a precursor to major incidents or social turbulence among Chinese people. Most meteorites are forbidding as per the Chinese traditional culture. The videos of meteorite crash on social media platforms have created panic and fear among people. However, the officials have assured people that there is nothing to worry about.
Scientists from NASA as well have identified fireball impact across the region with the help of the agency’s Fireball and Bolide Data gathered by JPL’s Near-Earth Objects Website. As per the data reported on its official site, scientists have measured meteorite’s total impact energy has been 9.5 Kt. Scientists have said that the velocity of the flying object has been recorded by sensors, which has been around 13.6 km/second. A similar incident of a meteorite crash has been reported in Japan early this month, where a bright fireball has lightened up the sky.